IPDiA has developed PICS (Passive Integration Connecting Substrate) as well as 3D packaging and Interconnection. We are involved in Silicon based 3D-IPD (Integrated Passive Device) advanced technology.

This very flexible technology is using front-end IC processing techniques to integrate passive components. It allows us to integrate from 10’s to 100’s of passive components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes in a single Silicon die. Moreover, based on this core technology, we are proposing complete packaging designs and operations for SiP solutions.

The main advantages of our technology are higher miniaturization, wider operating temperature range (from -55°C up to 250°C), very low leakage currents (reducing consumptions), high characteristics stability versus temperature or voltage variations, high reliability and low influence of ageing.

Our mission is to propose to our customers and to end users solutions to miniaturize their applications whilst keeping a very high standard of performance, both on the technological and the economical aspects. IPDiA will focus its efforts on the particular field of Integrated Passive Devices, its core competence.




