
Murata is a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of advanced electronic materials, leading edge electronic components, and multi-functional, high-density modules. Murata innovations can be found in a wide range of applications from mobile phones to home appliances, and automotive applications to energy management systems and healthcare devices.

In fiscal 2014, Murata grew to be a company with over 1 trillion yen in sales. And we would like to extend our heartfelt and earnest appreciation to the gifts of support and guidance that we have received from our customers as well as all

our various stakeholders.

"Together with all our stakeholders, thankful for the increase in prosperity..." Renewing our deep commitment to this part of our "Philosophy", which has always been the basis for all of our judgments and actions, we will continue to work toward offering ever-new value. The environment surrounding Murata is always undergoing major changes, but the feelings behind that Philosophy will never change. With the unswerving gratitude of all of our members worldwide, we will continue to fulfill our specific Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an "Innovator in Electronics" as we strive to contribute to the advancement of society.




